

6-9pm, Friday December 20th 2019

Join us at the darkest time of year to make merry and rebel against the night.

Costumes are strongly encouraged. Come as your alter ego, come as a fish, come as a curious creature never before seen...

POTLUCK! Bring something to share, bring a friend, bring goodwill and riotous spirits!

Saturnalia was the merriest Roman festival, held in December in honor of Saturn, god of (amongst other things) plenty, agriculture and liberation. Exiled from Olympus by Zeus, Saturn was said to have ruled Latium in a happy age of equality and fairness, where he taught his people agriculture and other peaceful arts. During Saturnalia social norms were relaxed as people indulged in feasting, role reversals, gambling, gift-giving and revelry.

Featuring a display of costumes and paraphernalia made by Cocoon Theatre and volunteers for the Poughkeepsie’s Celebration of Lights parade, and some surprises.

Curated by Emilie Houssart and Andrés San Millán

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